CSS Text Shadow Generator [2025]

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Design eye-catching text effects with customizable shadows. Perfect for headings, logos, and stunning typography.

✓ Multiple Shadow Layers✓ Live Preview✓ Instant CSS Code

Shadow Layer 1


Sample Text

Generated CSS

text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);


Text Customization

  • Multiple Shadow Layers

    Stack multiple shadows for complex effects

  • Font Controls

    Adjust size and color for perfect text

  • Custom Text Input

    Test with your actual content

Shadow Controls

  • Color & Opacity

    Full control over shadow appearance

  • Position & Blur

    Fine-tune shadow placement

  • Layer Management

    Add, remove, and reorder shadows

Common Effects

Glow Effects

  • • Neon glow
  • • Soft glow
  • • Multiple colors
  • • Animated glow

3D Text

  • • Depth effect
  • • Raised text
  • • Letterpress
  • • Drop shadow

Special Effects

  • • Outline text
  • • Multiple shadows
  • • Gradient shadows
  • • Text decorations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CSS text-shadow?

text-shadow is a CSS property that adds shadow effects to text. It supports multiple shadows and can create various effects from simple drop shadows to complex glows.

How many shadows can I add?

You can add multiple shadow layers to create complex effects. Each layer can have its own position, blur, and color settings. Most modern browsers support multiple text shadows.

How do I create a neon effect?

Neon effects are created by stacking multiple shadows with increasing blur values and bright colors. Try using a bright color for the text and multiple layers of the same color with different blur values.

Are text shadows accessible?

When using text shadows, ensure sufficient contrast between the text and background. Avoid shadows that make text difficult to read, and test your design across different screen sizes.


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