Data Tools

Transform and convert data formats

ASCII to CSV Converter

Convert ASCII table format to CSV files

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Binary to Decimal Converter

Convert binary to decimal

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Binary to Gray Code Converter

Convert binary to gray code

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Binary to Hexadecimal Converter

Convert binary to hexadecimal

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Binary to Octal Converter

Convert binary to octal

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CSV to ARFF Converter

Convert CSV files to ARFF format for ML tasks

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CSV to ASCII Converter

Convert CSV files to ASCII tables

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CSV to Base64 Converter

Convert CSV files to Base64 format

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CSV to DOC (Word) Converter

Convert CSV files to DOC format for MS Word

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CSV to HTML Converter

Convert CSV files to HTML tables and code

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CSV to JPG Converter

Convert CSV files to JPG images

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CSV to JSON Converter

Convert CSV files to JSON format

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CSV to SQL Converter

Convert CSV files to SQL code

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CSV to TSV Converter

Convert CSV files to TSV format

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CSV to XLSX Converter

Convert CSV files to XLSX (Excel) format

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CSV to XML Converter

Convert CSV files to XML format

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CSV to XML Converter

Convert CSV files to YAML format

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Decimal to ASCII Converter

Convert decimal to ASCII

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Decimal to Binary Converter

Convert decimal to binary

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Decimal to Gray Code Converter

Convert decimal to gray code

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Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter

Convert decimal to hex

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Decimal to Octal Converter

Convert decimal to octal

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Gray Code to Binary Converter

Convert gray code to binary

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Gray Code to Decimal Converter

Convert gray code to decimal

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Gray Code to Hexadecimal Converter

Convert gray code to hexadecimal

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Gray Code to Octal Converter

Convert gray code to octal

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Hexadecimal to Binary Converter

Convert hexadecimal to binary

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Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter

Convert hexadecimal to decimal

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Hexadecimal to Gray Code Converter

Convert hexadecimal to gray code

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Hexadecimal to Octal Converter

Convert hexadecimal to octal

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JSON to CSV Converter

Convert JSON code to comma-separated value (CSV) files

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JSON to HTML Converter

Convert JSON code to HTML table code

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JSON to Markdown Converter

Convert JSON code to Markdown tables

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JSON to SQL Converter

Convert JSON code to SQL

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JSON to Table Converter

Convert JSON code to a table

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JSON to TSV Converter

Convert JSON code to TSV

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JSON to XLSX Converter

Convert JSON code to XLSX (Excel)

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Number Base Converter

Convert between decimal, binary, hex, and octal

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Octal to Binary Converter

Convert octal to binary

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Octal to Decimal Converter

Convert octal to decimal

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Octal to Gray Code Converter

Convert octal to gray code

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Octal to Hexadecimal Converter

Convert octal to hexadecimal

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SQL to CS ConverterV

Convert SQL code to CSV files

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SQL to HTML Converter

Convert SQL code to HTML tables

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SQL to JSON Converter

Convert SQL code to JSON

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SQL to Table Converter

Convert SQL code to a table

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SQL to XLSX Converter

Convert SQL code to XLSX file

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SQL to XML Converter

Convert SQL code to XML

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SQL to YAML Converter

Convert SQL code to YAML

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TSV to CSV Converter

Convert TSV format to CSV file

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TSV to JSON Converter

Convert TSV format to JSON

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TSV to SQL Converter

Convert TSV format to SQL code

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TSV to XLSX Converter

Convert TSV format to Excel file

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TSV to XML Converter

Convert TSV format to XML

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TSV to YAML Converter

Convert TSV format to YAML

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URL Encoder/Decoder

Encode and decode URLs

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XLSX to CSV Converter

Convert XLSX to CSV file format

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XLSX to HTML Table Converter

Convert XLSX files to HTML tables

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XLSX to JSON Converter

Convert XLSX files to JSON

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XLSX to TSV Converter

Convert XLSX to TSV file format

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XLSX to XML Converter

Convert XLSX files to XML

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XLSX to YAML Converter

Convert XLSX files to YAML

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XML to CSV Converter

Convert XML code to CSV file format

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XML to SQL Converter

Convert XML to a SQL

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XML to Table Converter

Convert XML to a table

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XML to TSV Converter

Convert XML to a TSV file

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XML to XLSX Converter

Convert XML to a XLSX file

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YAML Converter

Convert between YAML and other formats

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YAML to CSV Converter

Convert YAML to CSV file format

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YAML to XLSX Converter

Convert YAML to XLSX file format

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