CSV to SQL Converter [2025]

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Transform CSV data into SQL statements with support for multiple database dialects and customizable options.

✓ Multiple SQL Dialects✓ Custom Table Options✓ Instant Preview

Key Features

  • Support for multiple SQL dialects including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more.
  • Automatic data type detection for CREATE TABLE statements.
  • Option to generate single or multiple row INSERT statements.
  • Customizable table names and identifier quoting.
  • Primary key and auto-increment options.
  • Proper value escaping and SQL formatting.
  • Add or remove SQL comments.
  • One-click copy and download functionality.

SQL Dialect Support

Standard SQL

  • • ANSI SQL syntax
  • • Standard quoting
  • • Generic data types
  • • Wide compatibility

Specific Databases

  • • MySQL/MariaDB
  • • PostgreSQL
  • • SQLite
  • • MS SQL Server


  • • Dialect-specific quotes
  • • Database types
  • • Syntax variations
  • • Special handling

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare my CSV file?

Your CSV file should have a header row with column names that will be used as SQL column names. Make sure your data is properly formatted and uses consistent delimiters. The tool will automatically handle data type detection and proper escaping of special characters.

Which SQL dialect should I choose?

Choose the dialect that matches your target database system. If you're unsure, use Standard SQL which provides generic SQL statements compatible with most databases. Specific dialects will use the appropriate quoting and syntax for that database system.

What's the difference between single and multiple row inserts?

Single row inserts generate separate INSERT statements for each row, which can be executed independently. Multiple row inserts combine all rows into a single INSERT statement, which is more efficient for bulk imports but may not be supported by all database systems or tools.

Is my data secure?

Yes, all processing happens entirely in your browser. No data is sent to any server, ensuring your sensitive information remains private and secure. You can safely use this tool with confidential data.


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