Gray Code to Decimal Converter [2025]

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Convert Gray code back to decimal numbers with step-by-step conversion process. Essential for digital circuit analysis and encoding applications.

✓ Step-by-Step Process✓ Binary Representation✓ Instant Results

Enter a binary number in Gray code format (e.g., 1111)

Key Features

  • Convert Gray code to both binary and decimal representations.
  • View detailed step-by-step conversion process.
  • Input validation ensures correct Gray code format.
  • Show intermediate binary conversion.
  • One-click copy functionality for all outputs.
  • Clear error messages for invalid inputs.
  • Educational conversion steps display.
  • Clean, user-friendly interface.

Common Use Cases

Digital Systems

  • • Shaft encoders
  • • Position sensors
  • • ADC conversion
  • • Signal decoding


  • • Circuit testing
  • • Data verification
  • • Error checking
  • • System debugging


  • • Learning encoding
  • • Digital concepts
  • • Code conversion
  • • Binary operations

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the conversion process work?

The conversion from Gray code to decimal involves two steps. First, the Gray code is converted to binary by XORing each bit with the running XOR of all previous bits. Then, the resulting binary number is converted to decimal. Our tool shows you this process step-by-step when enabled.

What makes a valid Gray code input?

A valid Gray code input consists of binary digits (0s and 1s) where adjacent numbers differ by only one bit. However, our tool accepts any binary input and will convert it according to Gray code rules, making it useful for both verification and conversion purposes.

Why show the binary representation?

The binary representation is shown as an intermediate step because it helps understand the conversion process and can be useful for verification. In many digital systems, you might need both the binary and decimal equivalents of a Gray code value.

When would I need to convert from Gray code?

Converting from Gray code is commonly needed when working with rotary encoders, position sensors, or any system that uses Gray code for noise reduction. It's also useful when analyzing digital circuits or debugging systems that use Gray code encoding.

Technical Details

Understanding Gray Code Conversion

The conversion algorithm follows these steps:

  1. Start with the leftmost bit of the Gray code
  2. The first bit of the binary result is the same as the Gray code
  3. For each subsequent bit:
    • XOR the next Gray code bit with the previous binary result bit
    • The result becomes the next binary bit
  4. Convert the resulting binary number to decimal

For example, converting Gray code 1111:

  • Gray Code: 1111
  • Binary: 1010
  • Decimal: 10


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